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One of the best experiences of my life

Im sure you all know what im talking about!! duh.

Bright Eyes and The Faint were amazing.The theatre was awesome because anywhere u were sitting u saw the stage with a clear shot.Everything was peeerfect.

Me and matt got there late juuuussst a little and we walked up to get in when the very nice lady if i might add noted there couldnt be any cameras... drraaag! so matt said.

"put it in my pants no ones going to check." then i laughed lol.

So we went to put the camera in his pants la la la we got in and the other band was playing which i forgot the name of i think it was audio something but yeah we first wanted to buy the merch.

So we stand in the big crowd and suprisingly got up to the front pretty quick where i bought a green bright eyes tote bag and an awesome aqua colour faint shirt! i didnt buy a bright eyes shirt because they had way bettter ones on the site.

Matt bought a black bright eyes shirt and a cool camo green color fant shirt.

We walked around found some seats and waited for the faint to come out.......

Thhhhhheeen they started to play!! ooooh my gosh it was sooooo amazeing you dont even know. they played WORKED UP SO SEXUAL!!. ah yesss i jumped out of my seat sooo fast. The last song they played was agenda suicide if i remember correctly i was so excited and dancing i might be wrong but im pretty sure... and it was awesome!!! man they fucken killed it!! in a good way.

It toook soooo looong before bright eyes would come out..but they finally did and YES! i shed a few was just sooo fucking incredible to finally see them live.

Time code was the first song they played and it got me sooo excited. Shit i was soo fucking excited the whole time i dont even remember what they played one after the other!!! all i know is that i got most excited when he played "hit the swich"......."devil in the details"......and !!!!!!!!!!

LOVER I DONT HAVE TO LOVE!! ahhhh what a fucking awesome suprise i tried to srcream soooo loud but couldnt b/c im sick lol. lame.

Yeah i watched every move conor made.....esp his feet. I loved when he danced. but didnt like when he jumped on everything and almost fell! eek!

thought it was cool at the end of easy lucky free the light were going all crazy and he was standing on the drum bass and all you could see was his back but the lights were shineing all around

hahah there was one reallly funny part i guess one of the rockys was filmed there and conor asked nate to play the rocky theme song on his violin. it was sooo fucking awesome haha. and we were the last concert in north america theyre going over to europe for a " looong looong time" bummer.

nick zinner was there!! from the yeah yeah yeahs!!!....very nice.

AND! it was sooo fucking cute everytime there was a long guitar solo conor would go up to nick and put his head on his head or get on his knees and put his head on his feet while they were both playing it was one of the hottest things ive ever seen.

I cant even really desribe how i felt when bright eyes was playing.theres no words that could fully describe it only that ive never seen or heard anything like it.

and cant wait to go again. The most funny thing was when we were driveing home anytime a song would come on the radio ide get mad and think " here iam listeinging to this when i just listend to one of the two best bands"

no song was even compareing to them. So matt turned on his ipod and we listend to desapericidos.

Soon i fell asleep on matts lap and i was home. fell in my bed and easilly fell asleep remembering watching bright eyes play.

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